Learn the best ways to motivate users to interact with survey

Dropdowns, multiple-choice, and Likert scales (rating scales) work well on mobile. Make sure each response option is clearly distinguishable and easy to select.Show users a summary of how their answers compare to others or provide a “thank you” message that outlines how their feedback will be used.

Learn the best ways to motivate users to interact with survey

Personalize the Survey Experience
Segment Your Audience: Tailor questions based on the user’s profile or past interactions with your product or service. This makes the survey feel relevant and meaningful.
Address Users by Name: Personalizing invitations and reminders can increase the perceived value and relevance of the survey.

Learn the best ways to motivate users to interact with survey

Ensure Surveys are Short and Focused
Limit Questions: Only ask essential questions, with the survey taking no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. Letting users know the approximate time beforehand builds trust and sets clear expectations.
Avoid Open-Ended Questions: While open-ended responses provide insight, they require more effort from users. Minimize these or make them optional.